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Amarok Designer

Avatar user-271
01.09.2006 12:23

Wer will...bin ja selbst kein Designer zwinkern

The Amarok Live team is searching willing artists for the artwork of version 1.4 of their famous Amarok Live CD.

Amarok Live is a live cd system based upon PCLinuxOS, shipping latest major version of Amarok bundled with free music and optimized for ultimate rediscovering of music. It is meant for everyone who's not able to install a system which is supported by Amarok and therefore this live cd is a essential medium for convincing people to use Amarok and one of the supported operating systems, such as Linux.

Latest version 1.4 is still missing artwork though, which is the only reason for release delay. So if you want to support the Amarok Live team and speed up release of Amarok Live 1.4, have a look at the Amarok Wiki. There you can find a list of images missing and what to take care of when doing artwork for Amarok Live. Submissions are allowed until September 1st, 12pm.

If you have skills in raster or vector drawing, read further information in the Amarok Wiki.

Amarok Wiki

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